
Nicoleta Gribincea – A Critique of Consumerism

No. 44 / February 2021

Mihai Plămădeală, art critic


The role of art is not to record, to advocate for various causes or to provide solutions to human problems. However, the critical attitude is constantly present in the art history. In the fourteenth century, Ambrogio Lorenzetti painted, for example, the allegorical artwork “The Effects of Bad Governance.” The title reveals everything there is to say. The next century, Hieronymus Bosh conceived his famous triptych, “The Garden of Human Delights,” also a large satire with metaphysical accents. Francisco Goya did not spare his contemporaries, not even the royal sponsors, whom he represented in monstrous poses. From our geographical area, in the religious mural painting, in the theme of the narthex, “The Last Judgment”, the group of the damned, especially those dominated by vices, knows parodic representations. Like Andy Warhol or Roy Lichtenstein, other than them, Nicoleta Gribincea relies on social criticism.


Nicoleta Gribincea – Models



The artist opted for a series of metamorphic representations, in which a group of (fashionable) filiform models, transforms into bar codes, similar to those that accompany the garments they present. If in some of the artworks the detail, the figurative and the color triumph, in others the forms and the chromatic palette were reduced to their transformation into vertical lines. A critique of consumerism, which involves the dissolution of the self in banking and mercantile activities. A project, a well-defined concept and a unifying vision, which completely excludes the unnecessary elements of the formulated criticism.


Nicoleta Gribincea – Models


The choice of the woman as the protagonist of the series has no special connotations, in any case not negative. Simply put, Nicoleta Gribincea noticed that clothing offers and advertising campaigns target women more.

It is noteworthy that, although he expresses himself masterfully through drawing, the artist does not make colorful drawings, but always gives the painting what belongs to him in fact and in law. Furthermore, the artist oscillates, during the series of one-dimensional works between a fauvist and a polychrome palette. The metamorphic abstraction starts from the progressive simplification of the basic realistic image, that of the so-called work one.


Nicoleta Gribincea – Models



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